LTO Certificate of Registration Sample

Are you planning to buy a new car soon? Or perhaps you’re a newly-licensed driver who needs more information about registering vehicles in the country. Here in the Philippines, getting your car, motorcycle, pick-up, or other motor vehicle registered with the Land Transportation Office (LTO) is a must!

Every responsible motorist must register his/her vehicle with the LTO. Doing so helps to ensure that the vehicle is in good condition and “road worthy.” In case of loss, theft, or accidents, being LTO-registered makes it easier to track your car. When you apply for registration, you will be issued an LTO Official Receipt and Certificate of Registration, often called the “LTO OR/CR.”

LTO Certificate of Registration Sample

Motor Vehicle Registration in the Philippines

As part of LTO registration, your motor vehicle is issued a plate number, which makes it easier to track it in case of loss, theft, or emergencies. Your vehicle will also be inspected periodically to make sure that it is always in good condition before you drive it!

Initially, when you register your vehicle, your Certificate of Registration will be valid for three (3) years. After the first three years, you’ll need to renew your vehicle registration annually. If you fail to register or renew your car, you may need to pay fines up to PHP 10,000 — not to mention face the risk of operating a vehicle that is not inspected, and therefore unsafe or not “road worthy.”

Moreover, if you get involved in an accident and your car happens to be unregistered, it could result in your vehicle getting impounded, which means involves additional fees and fines, plus other penalties.

What is the LTO Official Receipt?

Upon registering your motor vehicle, the LTO will give you an Official Receipt (OR) and Certificate of Registration (CR). Basically, the Official Receipt confirms that your vehicle has been paid for and it officially belongs to you. Typically, the OR includes the following details:

  • Name of the person who paid for the registration (payee);
  • The payee’s address and contact information;
  • Motor vehicle’s license plate number;
  • OR number (a unique serial number); and
  • Other details about the registration.

What is the LTO Certificate of Registration?

Meanwhile, the Certificate of Registration (CR) is another document that confirms you are the owner of a vehicle, and that it is duly registered with the LTO. The LTO CR includes information about the vehicle as well as the vehicle owner.

Sample LTO Certificate of Registration

On February 5, 2021, the LTO issued a memorandum regarding the enhanced Certificate of Registration (CR). Compared to past versions, it is larger in size, making it clearer and easier to read, while also being able to include more significant information.

LTO Certificate of Registration Sample
Image Credit:

As you can see, based on the above sample, the document includes the LTO Field Office where it was processed, along with the Certificate of Registration (CR) number and date issued. The LTO CR also includes these information about the vehicle: plate number, engine number, chassis number, vehicle type, category, brand, weight, year model, passenger capacity, color, and other details.

Moreover, the document features the owner’s name and address, along with details about the first registration (if applicable).

Contact Information: LTO Central Office

If you have any queries or concerns about registering your car, you can go to the nearest LTO Field Office. If you are based in Metro Manila, you can also get in touch with the LTO Central Office through the following contact details:

Address: East Avenue, Diliman, Quezon City, 1100 Metro Manila
Telephone: (02) 8920 5869

Google Map:

Final Thoughts

Along with your driver’s license, the LTO OR and CR are important documents that you should always carry when you drive here in the Philippines. If, for some reason, your OR/CR gets lost, you can go to the nearest LTO Field Office to get a legal copy or duplicate. Visit this link to learn more about getting an LTO Duplicate OR/CR.

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