Learn About Road Safety for Free at MMDA “Motorcycle Riding Academy”

Whether you’re a newbie driver still learning the basics of motorcycle riding, or an experienced one hoping to enhance your knowledge and skills — you can sign up for a free course at the Motorcycle Riding Academy.

Established in September 2023 by the Metro Manila Development Authority (MMDA), the Motorcycle Riding Academy is open to both beginners and experienced riders. It is located at Julia Vargas Avenue corner Meralco Avenue in Pasig City, Metro Manila.

Motorcycle Riding Academy
Image Credit: MMDA Motorcycle Riding Academy / Facebook

What is the Motorcycle Riding Academy?

The Motorcycle Riding Academy is a traininc=g center that seeks to promote road safety, particularly on the main roads of Metro Manila. By teaching riders essential skills about motorcycle riding, it also aims to help prevent traffic-related accidents.

About the Free Course

The Motorcycle Riding Academy offers a free, two-day course covering the following topics and skills:

  • Motorcycle Orientation on Basic Parts;
  • Control and Operation of Motorcycles;
  • Demonstration of Static Position and Moving Position of Motorcycles;
  • Motorcycle Skills Practice and Demonstration;
  • Basic Road Emergency Response; and
  • Road Traffic Rules and Regulations.

The academy is open from Mondays to Saturdays, providing the two-day course to batches of up to 100 participants. Those who are interested must bring their own full-face helmet and other safety gears, while motorcycles are provided by the academy.

Upon completing the course and passing the skills test, each participant will be given a certificate and a badge.

Motorcycle Riding Academy
Image Credit: MMDA Motorcycle Riding Academy / Facebook


Those who are interested in taking the course must prepare the following documents and bring them on the day of training:

  • Photocopy of Driver’s License/Student Permit or any Government-issued ID;
  • Parent’s Consent (if applicant is 17 years old);
  • Barangay Clearance or Certificate of Employment (if employed); and
  • Ballpen for taking notes.

In addition, each applicant must bring his/her own protective gear, such as: helmet, jacket, pants, gloves, elbow guards, knee guards, and shoes/boots. Those who do not have safety gear will not be allowed to join the training.


There are two ways to enroll at the Motorcycle Riding Academy: offline (walk-in), or online. Walk-in applicants can simply go to the academy located at Julia Vargas corner Meralco Avenue in Pasig City. Interested applicants may also register online by going to this link.

If you prefer to register online, take note that you will be asked to provide the following personal information: full name, address, date of birth, age, gender, and cellphone number. You will also be asked for your preferred schedule or dates of training.

Furthermore, you will need to identify the type of license you have (e.g. Driver’s License, Student Permit), if any. You will also be asked if you are employed, whether you know how to balance and ride a bicycle, and what your reason is for taking the course (e.g. to have experience, to become a safe rider, etc.).

Motorcycle Riding Academy
Image Credit: MMDA Motorcycle Riding Academy / Facebook

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Meanwhile, here are some frequently asked questions about the Motorcycle Riding Academy:

Where is the academy located?

The Motorcycle Riding Academy is located at Meralco Avenue corner Julia Vargas Avenue, Barangay Ugong, Pasig City, Metro Manila.

How many hours or days is the training?

The training takes two days, from 7:00 am to 4:00 pm.

What is the schedule of training?

The first day of training is every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday (MWF), while the second day is every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday (TThSa).

Is the academy open on Sundays?

No, the academy is open from Mondays to Saturdays only.

Are “walk-in” applicants accepted?

Yes, the academy accepts walk-in applicants from Mondays to Saturdays, at exactly 7:00 am to 5:00 pm.

Is there a fee required to enroll?

No. The training is free for everyone who wants to learn or improve their motorcycle riding skills.

What are the required documents?

To register, you’ll need to submit: driver’s license or student permit (if not available, government-issued ID); parent’s consent (if you are only 17 years old); and Barangay Clearance or Certificate of Employment (if you are employed).

What other things do I need to bring?

On the day of training, be sure to bring your own helmet, elbow guards, knee guards, gloves, and jacket. You should also be wearing pants and safety shoes or rubber shoes.

Do I need to bring a medical certificate?

No, you don’t need to bring a medical certificate because the Motorcycle Riding Academy Staff will provide a Liability Release Form and Waiver.

Can I use the certificate for getting a driver’s license?

No, the certificate issued by the Motorcycle Riding Academy cannot be used in getting a driver’s license.

Video: Riders Invited to Enroll in Free Course

In a video shared on their official Facebook page, the MMDA invites riders to enrol at the Motorcycle Riding Academy and “be a responsible motorcycle rider:”

Latest Updates

As part of an agreement signed by the MMDA and the Government Service Insurance System (GSIS), the Motorcycle Riding Academy will continue to be hosted at its current location, the GSIS Julia Vargas site in Pasig City. The two agencies signed the agreement last December 18, 2024, according to the Philippine News Agency.

The agreement was signed by MMDA Chairman Romando Artes and GSIS President and General Manager Wick Veloso. MMDA General Manager Procopio Lipana served as witness.

In addition, the agreement also included the GSIS Tumana property in Marikina City, which will be developed into a hub to support the traffic management activities of the MMDA, such as traffic enforcement and vehicle impounding.

Contact Information: Motorcycle Riding Academy

If you have any questions, or if you are interested in enrolling at the Motorcycle Riding Academy, you can get in touch with them through the following contact details:

Address: Julia Vargas Avenue corner Meralco Avenue, Barangay Ugong, Pasig City, Metro Manila
Telephone: (02) 8817 1782 / 0998 575 9494
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61556594396929

Google Map:

Final Thoughts

Becoming a motorcycle rider means not just learning how to drive, but also practicing safety and being a responsible motorist. Consider enrolling at the Motorcycle Riding Academy to enhance your riding knowledge and skills, while helping to keep our roads safe and accident-free!

Speaking of safety, for four-wheel vehicles, wearing a seat belt is a must; in fact, the law requires it! Check out this article to know more about the Philippines’ laws on seat belts.

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